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Sunday, February 8, 2009 the name of game

Competition is intense and how harder you try your competitor imitates you in no time. This is the world of marketing,and you need to differentiate your self in this world of advertisement. Innovation is what drives the whole business,companies innovate new ways to maximize share of heart and how do they do it??
is by exploring all the untapped consumer touch points and trying to catch their attention by new media.shown here are examples of 3D advertisement which will soon be a part of our daily brand exposures. now what catches customer attention ??? have to be different or media device appeal
If you innovate and you are the first to do it, the customer will surely see what is this new thing ..?? as human is a curious animal,if something is new he'll surely pay attention and tends to remember for a longer time.change is the name of the it or your competitor will do it.


Deeptaman Mukherjee said...

Yogesh .. a nice read ..

Though there is a scope of improvement, you manage to keep the flow going in the post.

Good job.



gaggu said...

very true and nice thought innovation is the key aspect of marketing...
good job