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Sunday, September 27, 2009

The story of a Father and Son

A Marwari or a gujju business man always encourages/enforces his son to visit his business when ever the little thing is free and leaves no chance in introducing him to all his clients and stake holders.The son after his education(though he hardly studies) joins the business and the father indulges in generating awareness among his clients about his son, that he would be the face of business and slowly leaves the game to him and over a period he is as popular as his dad this is due to the fact that people associate him with his dad and over a period all those credibility,trust and image which is associated with the old man pass on to his Son...

This is how Brand associations work, companies actually create perceptions and make people follow those perceptions.

If you remember the name Bajaj some 15 years back with the image and the product line(scooter)in which bajaj was into.. would you buy a pulsar at that time if it was made by Bajaj, the answer is NO..because of the inbuilt perceptions that Bajaj can only make scooters and not bikes.

But lately Bajaj has broken all these perceptions and how it did this is quite interesting.

It first had technology tie-up with Kawasaki and launched all its Bike under the name of told a story to the people that they have tie-up with kawasaki and they are technologically competent to make a Bike..

After kawasaki Bajaj performed well slowly it launched its Flag-ship Brand Pulsar under the Bajaj Umbrella,this bike performed well and was well accepted by the people and its superior performance evoked favorable image in the minds of customers,associating Bajaj as a superior bike maker which is now competent enough to make bikes.(just like how people started associating the fathers characteristics to the son)
Now Bajaj has a great market share and is doing equally well compared to its competitors and it has made people associate Bajaj with Superior technology.and as a part of this strategy it has changed its whole look right from its logo to the product line(it no more makes scooters).

That was a successful story told by Bajaj to the world


ThinkTank said...

Very thought provoking.Good job

Kunal said...

Interesting perspective bhai...

For further reading -

yogesh patel said...

thank u...

Anonymous said...

Helllooooooo Brother!

I would like to inform u that Bajaj is going to re-introduce Scooters to the indian Market very very soon.